This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.
Project | Translated | Unfinished | Unfinished words | Unfinished characters | Untranslated | Checks | Suggestions | Comments | |
Jellycon | 75% | 2,444 | 7,952 | 47,535 | 2,426 | 34 | 0 | 7 | |
Jellyfin | 63% | 84,482 | 467,069 | 2,880,842 | 83,733 | 1,194 | 521 | 275 | |
Jellyfin Android | 74% | 10,548 | 40,042 | 241,407 | 9,543 | 220 | 0 | 43 | |
Jellyfin Vue | 62% | 6,825 | 21,980 | 134,465 | 6,796 | 49 | 299 | 23 | |
Swiftfin | 68% | 5,540 | 17,681 | 103,863 | 5,525 | 137 | 361 | 14 | |